There are two types of liquid dosage forms- Monophasic liquid dosage form and Biphasic liquid dosage form. In this article, I'm going to discuss on Monophasic liquid dosage form.
Definition of Monophasic Liquid Dosage Form:
Monophase means one phase. Monophasic liquid dosage form refers to a liquid dosage form that contains one, two, or more components in one phase, that is the liquid phase.
Advantages of Monophasic Liquid Dosage Form:
- As it's a liquid dosage form so it's easy to administer via any route (like-oral, parenteral, etc).
- The rate of absorption of the drug is faster than solid dosage form because the drug is already the form of solution.
- As it's homogenous, the uniform dose distribution is more accurate than other biphasic liquid dosage forms (like suspension or emulsion).
- The process of formulating is quite easy and faster than suspension or emulsion.
Disadvantages of Monophasic Liquid Dosage Form:
- Quite difficult to transport and store than in solid dosage form. It needs to be stored in a cool and dark place.
- The stability of this type of dose is reduced by hydrolysis or oxidation. So, they have a shorter expiration date than solid dosage forms.
- There are some major issues like precipitation, microbial growth, etc.
Classification of Monophasic Liquid Dosage Form:

Monophasic Liquid Dosage Form for internal use:
The syrup is an aqueous or water-mixed preparation. That contains 60% to 85% sucrose(sugar) or a sugar substitute for sugar-free preparations. And it contains medicinal substances. In some syrup flavoring agents and sometimes not. The syrup is an oral preparation.
Example of Syrup:- Chlorpheniramine maleate syrup, Chloral hydrate Syrup, etc.
Elixirs are hydro-alcoholic sweet liquids (water and alcohol) with or without medicinal substances. It's clear, aromatic for oral use only.
Example of Elixirs:- Dexamethasone elixir, etc.
Linctuses are viscous liquid preparations for oral use only. Normally it's used for the treatment of cough and sore throats.
Example of Linctuse:- Codeine Linctus, etc.
Liquids meant for external administration Liquids used in the mouth:
Gargles are aqueous solutions that normally contain antiseptics or antibiotics to treat throat infections. It contains some flavoring agents and coloring agents.
Example of Gargles:- Povidone Iodine gargle, Chlorhexidine gargle, etc.
An aqueous solution with a pleasant taste and odor is used to clean and deodorize the buccal cavity. Have an antiseptic and astringent activity.
Example of Mouthwash: Antiseptics-phenol derivatives.
Throat paints:
Throat paints are viscous liquid preparation that contains one or more active ingredients. It is normally used for mouth and throat infections.
Example of Throat paint:- Phenol glycerine, Compound Iodine.
Liquids meant for external administration Liquids instill into the body cavity:
Eye drop:
Eye drops are highly sterile liquid preparations administered through the ocular route to administration.
Example of Nasal drop: Moxifloxacin eyedrop, Timolol maleate eye drops, carboxymethyl eye drop, etc.
Nasal drops:
Nasal drops are liquid preparation with medicinal substances. It's administered through the nose trills. It's used as a nasal decongestant, cold allergies, and respiratory tract disorders.
Example of Nasal drop:- Oxymetazoline nasal drops, Xylometazoline nasal drop, Nacl nasal drop, etc.
Enemas are aqueous or oily preparation. It is injected through the rectum for cleansing, empty the bowels or diagnostic purposes.
Example of Enemas:- Liquid paraffin enemas, etc.
Liquids meant for external administration Liquid meant for skin:
Liniments are oily liquid preparations for external application of the skin that rubbed action to the affected area. Normally it is used for relieving pain and stiffness in the muscles spasm and arthritis.
Example of Liniments:- Camphor Liniment, Chloroform Liniment, etc.
Lotions are aqueous topical preparation with a low to medium viscosity. Normally used to moisturize dry skin.
Examples of Liniments:- Calamine Lotion, baby lotion, etc.
Paints are liquid solutions for application to skin or mucosa.
Examples of Paints:- Betadine antiseptic paint, Magenta paint, etc.
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