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Medical Prescription| Shortcut instructions| imdip

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There are some shortcut instructions used in every medical prescription to instruct, how and when the medicines should consume. These shortcuts code like words play a very important role for the prescription writer and reader for the best medication.

But the newcomer pharmacists and most of the patients or the end consumers don't have a clear knowledge of it. But this is very important to know all the full forms of all the shortcuts to properly handle a prescription to get and provide the proper therapeutic benefits.

Short cuts on medical prescription

Shortcuts instructions on medical prescription:

Shortcuts of How many times in a day-

  • q.d or QD = Once a day (Latin word "quaque die")
  • OD = Once daily
  • Bd or BD = Twice daily (Latin word "bis die")
  • b.i.d = Twice a day (Latin word"bis in die"
  • TID or t.i.d. = Three times a day (Latin word"ter in die")
  • TDS = Thrice Daily.
  • QID or q.i.d.= Four times a day (Latin word"quater in die")
  • q_h: A medicine is to be take every many hours  ("q_h"; q = "quaque" and h = number of hours. Example: "1 tab q3h" means "Take 1 tablet every 3 hours a day."

Shortcuts of when to take medicines-
  • AC = Before meals (Latin word "ante cibum")
  • HS= Take at bedtime (Latin word "hora somni")
  • PC = After meals (Latin word "post cibum")
If you are a pharmacist or working in a medicine shop or pharmacy or any patient then you must know this information. Make a print and hold it on the wall to remember as soon as possible.

Thank you very much. Hope this article is useful for all pharmacists, pharmacy students, chemists, and druggists.

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