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Pharm.D become doctor according to PCI | imdip

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PCI prefix "Dr." will be with added before the name of the candidate who awarded the degree of Doctor in Pharmacy (Pharm.D)

Pharm.D become doctor according to PCI

This is great news for those candidates who have the degree of Doctor in Pharmacy (Pharm.D) or for them who are going to achieve this degree. Because after the degree they can use the word "Dr." before there name.

Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) has clearly maintained in a written order that the prefix "Dr." will be with added before the name of the candidate who awarded the degree of Doctor in Pharmacy (Pharm.D).

This course is running for 10 years in India.

But Pharm.D candidates are not going to be the same as like MBBS doctors. They can be recruited for drug monitoring purpose. They can work with the association of doctors to treat a patient in a proper way.

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