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5 most famous pharmacists, who made history | imdip

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world famous pharmacists

Do you know about those famous pharmacists, who made history?
But when the same question is coming for doctors or scientists. I know that the answer is Yes.

Today I'm going to tell you about some world famous pharmacists who created history. Still, their invented products are available in the market. Today their products are the same famous and useful as like those old days.

Every pharmacist and pharmacy students can motivate themselves by these great pharmacists. Everyone should know the legacy of pharmacists

5 most famous pharmacists, who created history.

1. Alexander Flemming:

The Scottish pharmacist (pharmacologist, and biologist) is famous for the discovery of the world's first antibiotic penicillin.

Penicillin is used to treat various types of bacterial infections. He got the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in the year 1945.

2. Friedrich Serturner: 

The German pharmacist, who discovered morphine. He was the first chemist, who extract morphine from opium.

Hope you know that morphine is an anesthetic drug and it also has analgesic or pain killer properties.

In the early years, morphine is used for several medical purposes. But due to the addictive properties, now this is not available in the market.

3. John Pemberton:

The American pharmacist, who is the inventor of Coca-Cola. World's largest selling beverages brand. He invented the awesome drink in Jacob's Pharmacy. He named that as "excellent". After a long process, this is manufactured in large scale. It becomes Coca-Cola.

4.Caleb Bradham:

He is the inventor of Pepsi. 
He made it at his drug dispensary store. Initially, he named it as "Brad's Drink". Brad's Drink becomes "Pepsi-cola".

Now Pepsi is the world's second largest beverage company.

5.Friedrich Jacob Merck:

He is a German pharmacist. He is the founder of the world’s oldest pharmaceutical company Merck Group. In the year 1668, he established the Merck Group.

Merck Group is a multinational pharmaceutical company. They have more than 50,000 employees in approx 70 countries.

Charles Alderton invented Dr. Pepper. that's also a famous beverage brand of America.

If you are a pharmacist then get motivation from them. And create your own empire and proud to be yourself as a pharmacist.

Pharmacist Awareness: Caution for Indian Pharmacists.

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