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Types of diabetes | Diabetes Mellitus | Diabetes Insipidus | Difference between them | imdip

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Before you know about types of diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetes Insipidus, Difference between Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Insipidus.

I want to tell you a story.

After a long day, I met a man. I know him from childhood. But I was shocked to see him. Because he was looking so ill.

I asked him, why are you looking so ill?

And the answer was Diabetes.

After hearing the answer I asked him which type of diabetes?

He questioned me again with a lot of confusion. And the question is 

How many types of diabetes are there?

types of diabetics, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetes Insipidus, types of diabetes mellitus, types of diabetes insipidus, Difference between diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, Diabetes Type 1, Diabetes Type 2, Gestational Diabetes,

I told him before you know about types of diabetes.

You should have a clear concept of diabetes or sugar disease.

There is basically 2 types of diabetes.

  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Diabetes Insipidus
Look at the chart given below:

types of diabetics, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetes Insipidus, types of diabetes mellitus, types of diabetes insipidus, Difference between diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, Diabetes Type 1, Diabetes Type 2, Gestational Diabetes, Central Diabetes Insipidus, Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus, Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus, Gestational Diabetes Insipidus

What is the difference between Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Insipidus?

Diabetes Mellitus is a type of diabetes, where high blood sugar happens due to deficiency of insulin hormone or insulin resistance. Basically, it's insulin hormone depending.

Diabetes Insipidus is a type of diabetes, where huge urination occurs due to the deficiency of antidiuretic hormone(ADH) or the ADH resistance. Basically, it's antidiuretic hormone depending.

Let's discuss on Diabetes Mellitus.

There are 3 types of diabetes mellitus according to symptoms.
  • Diabetes Type 1
  • Diabetes Type 2
  • Gestational Diabetes


What is diabetes type 1?

Diabetes type 1 is also known as juvenile - onset diabetes. Juvenile means kids.

This types of diabetes occur in infants, kids, and young adults.

Caused when our own immunity system attacks the cells, which produces insulin in our body. That's why the production of insulin affected. So the blood sugar level in increases due to insulin production decreased.

People with these types of diabetes need to inject insulin from outside to control the blood sugar level. If they stop insulin injection they will die.

What are the symptoms of diabetes type 1?

Symptoms diabetes type 1 are given below

  • Abnormal thirst and dry mouth because of huge sugar present into the blood. Water is needed to maintain balance.
  • Urination frequently because of the excretion of extra sugar from the body.
  • Fatigue or Lack of energy because of extra sugar in the blood. For the production of energy, cells need a proper amount of sugar, water, and environment. But there is no proper balance. So the lack of energy happens.
  • Always feeling hungry because of lack of energy into the cell, the need energy every time. And food is the source of energy.
  • Suddenly weight loss because of lack of proper energy and mental weakness.
  • Blurred vision because of high blood sugar, our eye liquid is also decreased. So the eye problem rises.

types of diabetics, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetes Insipidus, types of diabetes mellitus, types of diabetes insipidus, Difference between diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, Diabetes Type 1, Diabetes Type 2, Gestational Diabetes, Central Diabetes Insipidus, Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus, Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus, Gestational Diabetes Insipidus

After hearing all the information on diabetes type 1. He asked me that,

What is diabetes type 2?

Diabetes type 2 is known as adult-onset diabetes.

This types of may diabetes occur at any age. But basically, adults are affected by it.

This types of diabetes occur due to insulin deficiency. 
90% of diabetes is this type of diabetes.

The symptoms of diabetes type 2 are given below

  • Always thirst and dry mouth
  • Abnormal Urination (Excessive)
  • Lack of energy and huge tiredness
  • Vision becomes blur
  • Tingling or numbness in hand and feet because of the loss of energy into the cells.
  • Wound healing very slowly because of the huge sugar present in the blood. So the blood clotting factors can't work properly.

Gestational Diabetes Insipidus, Symptoms of diabetes insipidus, Symptoms of diabetes mellitus, Symptoms of gestational diabetes, Cause of gestational diabetes, gestational diabetes insipidus, gestational diabetes mellitus

What is Gestational Diabetes?

Gestational Diabetes is one type of diabetes. This types of diabetes occur in women at the time of pregnancy.

Normally after pregnancy, this type of diabetes disappear.

But after gestational diabetes, the women and her child both have a risk of type 2 diabetes after a long time.

This types of diabetes occur due to the resistance of insulin. That means the condition of the body when the insulin hormone unable to balance the blood sugar level. So that the high blood sugar level.

Risk factors due to gestational diabetes are overweight, look like older etc.

Now we going to discuss Diabetes Insipidus.

There are 4 types of diabetes insipidus according to symptoms.

  • Central Diabetes Insipidus
  • Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
  • Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus
  • Gestational Diabetes Insipidus

What is Central Diabetes Insipidus?

In this case, the antidiuretic hormone is not secreted or produced. Due to the damage to the pituitary gland or hypothalamus gland. That's why the water from the blood is pulled out and urine formed frequently.

Symptoms of Central Diabetes Insipidus are

  • Urination frequently
  • Always feeling thirsty
  • Always feeling tired
  • Weight Loss

What is Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus?

In the case of Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus, kidney can't response to antidiuretic hormone. Due to kidney disease, kidney failure etc.

Symptoms of Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus are quite the same as the central diabetes insipidus.

What is Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus?

Dipsogenic Diabetes Insipidus occurs due to abnormal thirst. Due to huge thirst, urine production is increased.

What is Gestational Diabetes Insipidus?

Gestational Diabetes Insipidus occurs during pregnancy but after pregnancy its disappear. This is quite the same as Gestational diabetes mellitus. But here it is ADH dependent.

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