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Why Indian women are attacked by arthritis or joint pain? | joint pain treatment without medicine |

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Now arthritis is a very common problem in India. According to some news report, India became the capital of osteoarthritis in 2025. Not only osteoarthritis, but rheumatoid arthritis is also a big problem. This is not just a problem in India. This is also a very painful condition in the whole world. If we don't take this problem seriously then this is going to be the biggest problem in our country. Women are mostly affected by arthritis than men in India. Most of the Indian women over the age of 40-45 years are attacked by osteoarthritis.

Even my mom and my friend's mom both are affected by arthritis. I see a lot of women are suffering for their in leg joint pain, back pain, hip bone pain etc. 

Diabetes or sugar disease is also a big problem now.

Now I'm going to discuss this problem after researching a lot and I'm trying to discuss how to treat arthritis or joint pain without medicine

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Why Indian women are too much attacked by arthritis?

Abnormal ESR value:

According to the news report, in the Indian woman, the abnormal ESR value was already observed. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is the blood test to measure the time of settle down of the erythrocyte or the red blood cell. In the normal case, erythrocyte settles down slowly. But in case of abnormal ESR, erythrocyte settles down relatively fast. ESR test is done for measuring the inflammation in the body. Arthritis is one example of inflammation.

Obesity or over bodyweight:

There is a lot of reasons for arthritis in Indian women. According to the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), 16% of Indian females are obese. Due to obesity, the pressure on the feet may increase and that's why the tendency of osteoarthritis also increases.

Malnutrition in women:

According to research, more than 50% of Indian women are affected by malnutrition during pregnancy. That's may be the reason for various diseases and low immunity. Along with arthritis.

The lack of proper nutrition after pregnancy :

During and after pregnancy every woman needs properly balanced nutrition but in India, most of the women do not receive proper amounts of nutrition during and after pregnancy. So due to the lack of proper nutrition deliver into the body, the bone density decreases. That's why the risk of arthritis increases.

Lack of exercise:

Most of the Indian women are conscious about their face but they don't conscious about their fitness and strength. Due to this problem, they don't exercise their body every. So that they are suffering a lot of problems. Arthritis may one of the problem.

Adulterated food product:

Nowadays most of the food products are adulterated. This is not only a problem for women also a big problem for all of us. So this may be one of the reasons for arthritis.

Environmental pollution:

Behind every disease environmental pollution plays a vital role. Polluted water and air may decrease bone calcium density. That may be one of the reasons for arthritis.


How to treat arthritis or joint pain without medicine?

If anybody told you that they can cure arthritis by medicine then, that's not totally true. Because using medicine the pain or the inflammation can be reducible but totally cure is not possible.
But by changing some habit and maintaining a proper lifestyle you may cure arthritis totally.

Wake up in dawn and walk in the fresh air: 

This is very important for everyone people to wake up in dawn and walk for 30 to 40 mins gently in the fresh air. This is gonna make help to keep motivate yourself to keep going and overcoming arthritis and other diseases.

Everyday exercise or yoga:

Don't forget to do freehand exercise and yoga every day two times morning and afternoon. Like suryanamaskar, pranayama etc. This helps to improve your bone strength and oxygenate your blood. Exercise and yoga may cure arthritis, diabetes, pneumonia etc.

Take properly balanced foods:

Don't take high protein, high fat or high carbohydrates. You should take a balanced food for proper digestion and strength. Digestion is a very important part of the body. Highly acidity or gas formation can directly or indirectly affect arthritis pain. Try to avoid junk and spicy foods. Always take simple and fresh food.

Drink fresh normal temperature water:

Always avoid cold drinks and cold water. Always drink fresh normal temperature water according to the need of your body. Water can refresh your excretory system and activate your digestive system.

Sun therapy:

Every day spent some time into the sunlight to take the sun ray to release vitamin D into your body to improve the stamina of your bone. Massage with vegetable oil in the sunray can decrease the pain and inflammation of the area attacked arthritis.

Make sure your stomach is clean and always be positive minded.

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