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What is Relative Humidity and Application in pharmaceutical industry? |

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Regularly we search on the internet about today's weather. There was an option that is relative humidity. But every day we ignore this. We already heard the term relative humidity but this is quite difficult to define and understand. Now we going to understand easily on this topic and the application in the pharmaceutical industry.

What is relative humidity and application in pharmaceutical industry?

What is Relative humidity?

Before we know about relative humidity. At first, we should know about the relative humidity formula.
Relative Humidity =(Partial vapor pressure of water /Saturation vapor pressure of water)X 100

Relative Humidity Formula

After knowing the formula, we should know that

What is partial vapor pressure of water? 

The partial vapor pressure means the amount of water vapor molecule present in the air.

What is the saturation vapor pressure of water?

The saturation vapor pressure means the maximum amount of water vapor molecule can be present in the air at a given temperature.
Saturation vapor pressure depends on temperature.If the temperature increased then more water vapor molecule can be present in the air and if the temperature decreased when the water vapor molecule can be also low in the air. 

So ultimately we can say that Relative Humidity means the percentage of the amount of water vapor in the air divided by the maximum possible amount of water vapor at a given temperature.

Application of relative humidity in the pharmaceutical industry:

In the pharmaceutical industry, the maintenance of moisture and humidity is very important.
In a poor environment control, may affect on biochemical reaction, affect the growth of the microorganism, affect the activity of the formulation, affect the uniformity of the formulation etc. So to avoid these types of problem, a well-controlled environment system is very important to maintain the relative humidity, vapor pressure, temperature etc. 

Watch this video until the end for a more clear understanding of relative humidity.

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