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Matter, Properties of Matter

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Matter, Properties of Matter (

What is Matter?

Simply matter is any substance that has mass and volume. It physically occupies space.

State of the matter :

Basically, there is three basic state of matter.
1.      Gas
2.    Liquid
3.    Solid

These all three states are made up of molecules, but the behaviors of these molecules are different in the three states.

In case of gases, molecules are separated, without arranged and molecules can freely move from place to place.

In case of liquids, molecules are close together, without arranged and molecules can move very slowly from place to place.

In case of gases molecules are very tight together, arranged and molecules can not freely move from place to place.

Change in the state of matter :

H2O is the matter, water is a liquid state, ice is solid state, steam is a gas state. So like this, all matters exist as solids, liquids, or gases. State of matter can change from one state to another by applying pressure or heat.

Ice (solid) is heated it changes to water (liquid). This change is called melting.

If water (a liquid) is heated, it changes to steam ( gas). This change is called boiling.

Nitrogen is gas but by applying approx 0.8g/cm3 pressure, it converts into liquid nitrogen.

Using so many methods we can change the state of matter are melting, boiling, freezing, vapor, condensation, evaporation, etc.

Latent heat and vapor pressure:

What is latent heat?

The amount of heat absorbed or released by a substance for the change of one state to another state, such as water to steam. (When temperature and pressure are constant)

What is Vapor pressure?

The vapor pressure of a liquid is pressure created by a vapor, is equilibrium with its condensed phase in a closed system.
Simply we can say that the tendency of the particle to escape from the liquid or solid.

What is Sublimation critical point:

Sublimation is the process of transition of a substance from the solid state to gas state without passing through the intermediate liquid state.

The critical point is the point where two phases of a substance initially become not able to be identified from one another. The critical point is the end point of a phase equilibrium curve, defined by a critical pressure and critical temperature. At this point, there is no phase boundary.

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